
Most Read Posts in ValuePlays for March

Here are the most read stories for the month of March:

  1. The ValuePlays Portfolio
  2. Sherwin Williams- No Lead Threat
  3. Ethanol: Debunking A Few Myths
  4. Taking “A Leap”
  5. Housing: Enough Already!

Site traffic surged again this past month as subscribers rose 50% and daily traffic jumped 78% for the month (140% the past 2 weeks). Keep forwarding the daily email to family and friends and encourage them to sign up themselves, the more of us there are the better for all of us.

  • I have added an email link on the main page. Feel free to email me thoughts and ideas for stocks or general investing. I do not always get a chance to review the comments on a post and if you are commenting on something that was posted days ago, chances are I may not get to it. Enhanced Features Subscribers always get top priority but I will try to get to all of you. As the numbers of site visitors grow each day the delay here may become longer. Do yourself a favor, just buy the subscription for $6.99 a month and guarantee a fast reply. Think of it this way, if you had bought just 10 shares of each stock I recommended when I recommended it, you would have paid for 41 months of the subscription already. It really is a no brainer.
  • Criticism and /or complaints are welcome also just, keep them constructive. I can promise insulting or otherwise inappropriate emails to me or other “commenters” will be deleted immediately and the email address blocked. If you are so inclined to send one, make it a good one because it will be the last.
  • I am always looking for way to better the site and frequent visitors at times have noticed some odd things as I learn programing code “on the fly” as they say. Feel free to email any ideas to me. I cannot promise I will act on them but they will be considered. Any legitimate suggestion to better your experience on the site will get serious consideration.
  • Stock or investing ideas are welcome and may be used in a future post. For your privacy, your email address will not (unless you want it to be).
