
ValuePlays: In the Legal News

In The News

Recently I was asked for a response to an article titled “Getting The Lead Out” that ran in The Nation magazine. Jane Genova, who runs the blog Law And More asked for a response and you can read it on her blog below. She has done the most extensive work to date on the lead paint trials in Rhode Island and for those of you interested, she actually “live blogged” from the court room in the Rhode Island lead trial. I consider her blog to be the starting point for any details you want on this litigation. You can read the response here.

Also, the legal website Legal did an article on the California Superior Court ruling on the contingency fee issue and picked up my post on it for reference. The article can be viewed here

A Trade:

Last Thursday we had a trade in the ValuePlays Portfolio. We sold April $45 puts in BTU. We received $90 for each put we sold. This means that is BTU closes below $45 on or before this coming Friday, We will be forced to buy 100 shares of BTU for each put we sold. As long as BTU closes above $44.10 ($45 – $.90 ) the trade is in the positive. Either way, we are pleased with the trade as BTU is a security we would have been comfortable owning at the price it was selling for last week ($45.85). The put enables us, should we end up owning it to do so at a lower cost basis. Nothing wrong with that..