
Some Friday Housekeeping

With summer coming upon us a few tidbits.

  • Weekend readership is expected to plummet so my posts on the weekend will be more of the quick read variety
  • Forbes Online pickup another article. You can read it here. I have agreed to provide them the articles first before they hit the blog going forward so they have them “hot off the press” so to speak. They will be published under the Personal Finance section in an area they call the “Adviser Soapbox” . I will let you know going forward when they appear. Currently it looks like every couple weeks, depending on my output.
  • Has anyone heard from Geoff Gannon? As one of my favorite blogs to read (Gannon On Investing), it has been while since his last post. Here is hoping everything is ok.
  • Some of you may have noticed that I have also been providing the site 24/7 Wall St. some exclusive content. I do not know how long this will last but if you keep an eye out there, you will find some additional articles. I tend to give them one or two articles a day. Some of them will appear here after they run there first. Others do not really pertain to the focus of this blog so they will not.
  • I have received some fantastic email questions lately and are in the process of turning them into posts. Due to the news cycle and the timing of events it may be a week or so until they reach the blog but rest assured I am working on them.
  • Please keep the email comments and questions coming. I take criticism as well as compliments as long as it is constructive and not petty or nasty. I have taken suggestions from viewers and implemented them into the blog. I like to think I am smart enough to know I do not know everything…..
  • Over the coming week I will attempting to make some changes to the blog layout. If you log on and things look bizarre, it is just me fumbling my way through computer code and learning it on the fly. Rest assured any oddities are temporary and hopefully the end result will be better..

Thank you for reading, have a great weekend and Happy Mother’s Day to all out there.