
ValuePlays Most Read Posts for May, 2007

Here they are, the top five most read posts for May. If they look familiar it is because two of them were linked to in Altucher’s “Daily Blog Watch” in and the other in the Adviser Soapbox in Fortune Online.

1- Home Depot (HD) vs. Lowes (LOW): Go With Oprah

2-Sears Holdings (SHLD) To Spend Cash Hoard

3-Google (GOOG) Update: Il Caveat Emptor

4-Wal-Mart (WMT): Time For Scott To Go

5-Using Stops: Are You Stopping Gains?

Subscribers and traffic jumped again this month and given the blogs only four month existence, I am very please (though not satisfied) with the results. By the time the next update comes out I expect to have an exciting partnership to announce. I had anticipated one by now with another site that got in touch with me but it fell through as the potential “partner” was clearly excited to (and did) reap the benefits of my work but was not as excited to share the proceeds of that work in any meaningful way so I declined their offer. What is the saying? “When one door closes, another one opens”? It has and I am confident in it’s success.