
June Top Stories To Date At VIN

Here we go. Is it just me or are the stories here getting better and better?

1- Sell Side Cliches– Market Prognosticator
2- Bestinver’s Paramus: Pitching Tips To Buffett Bloomburg

3- Spinoffs– Forbes

4- Lampert Buying More Sears Shares – ValuePlays

5- SAC Capital Accumulates 5.2% Stake in FreightCar America – Streetinsider style=”text-align: left;”>

You may view the whole list here:

I have receives some requests to not include articles from the MSM (main stream media) and only include those written by bloggers and the like. I go both ways on it as I am partial to bloggers but do recognize any information no matter where it comes from is valuable.

I am open to suggestions