
$1.3 Billion An Hour

Interested? Well that is what shareholders of Apple (AAPL) are pricing a new battery at today. Previous estimates had the new iPhone having about 6 hours of talk time, new ones, 8. This was apparently a reason not to buy the phone?

According folks who have been emailing and commenting to my posts, the battery life has never been mentioned once, not once in the hundreds of comments and emails. It was not mentioned as an issue by those who would not buy it and those who said they would buy it, any potential battery issue was inconsequential. Those who will not buy it are going to do so because of price according to polls and those who are going to buy it would do so even if Steve Jobs stood at the door to the Apple store and assaulted them when they walked in. The battery was irrelevant.

So, how can we add $2.6 billion to the market cap of Apple today just because there is an improvement to the device that just makes it comparable to other makers devices? An improvement, it needs to be noted that has not been mentioned by detractors in discussions about the phone?

I guess the question is, why is this important and did anyone really think battery life would not be improved?

It is almost like the stock running up because they are going to put it out in red… who cares?

Things like this that do not make sense are signs… Why doesn’t it make sense? If it was any other battery in any other cell phone from RIMM (RIMM), Nokia (NOK)or Motorola (MOT)
would anyone care?

4 replies on “$1.3 Billion An Hour”

Battery life was a rumor issue for the past few months. Let’s see…..battery life, high price, touchscreen, AT&T only in US, durability, iTunes necessary, ease of use, etc. All of these have been badgered around like news stories since January. All AAPL did was squelch that rumor today.

Second, focus on today’s action if you want, but best to see last week as well. Dropped from ~$125 to ~$116 in 48 hours because ‘disappointment’ with the WWDC presentation. Don’t know what they expect for a developers convention. Also, drop last week likely attributed to OE. Price was pinned to $120 +/- 50 cents on Friday.



what took you so long?

i know battery life was “a rumor” but really, was anyone going to actually make a buying decision on the phone even if it was true? really…

to add almost $3 billion market cap because of a couple extra hours talk time? crazy… just crazy…

kind of like biding up leapfrog because they come out with red instead of green leapster…

when the stock starts jumping around because of things that will not impact actual phone sales, it is a precarious time


Why do you continue to dump on Apple? And, more importantly, why do you use false or misleading information when doing so?

In your piece on the iPhone’s battery life you state: “So, how can we add $2.6 billion to the market cap of Apple today just because there is an improvement to the device that just makes it comparable to other makers devices? An improvement, it needs to be noted that has not been mentioned by detractors in discussions about the phone?”

You seem to think the only discussion about the iPhone takes place on your blog site. Interesting. Also wrong and misleading.

In writing that the battery life improvement “just makes it comparable to other makers devices” you falsify the facts. The Apple announcement CLEARLY pointed out much better battery life than competitors (see link below). You disgust me. If you want your opinion to be considered worthy I suggest you start considering TRUTH as an imperative ingredient of your blog site.



thank you for reading

i do not “continually dump” on apple. as a matter of fact i have called it a great company. i just think the phone hype is wholly unwarranted. I have never said anything negative about the company, just the phone. please find otherwise.

now, please note the time of the post. it was done just as the news was breaking. that was from the initial reports and yes, it is better than some, and equal to others as far as battery time.

when i specify “in the hundred of emails and comments i received” yes, i am specifically referring to the blog. no i do not think this is the only discussion of it but it is one i am intimately familiar with, why reference another? I would think hundreds of apple supporters giving me their 2 cents gives me a rather good idea about their thoughts? no?

you be “disgusted” by anything written in a blog post shows a certain instability that may need professional attention..

best of luck

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