
Top Stories at Value Investing News

Here are this weeks top picks at VIN

1- Martin Whitmans 3rd Avenue Letter

2- Value Creation or Destruction Tickers AGL

3- On Disney, Pixar and Ratatouille Tickers DIS

4- DNA Of A Superinvestor

5- On Dangers of Homogeneity

One reply on “Top Stories at Value Investing News”

Mistery around the Russian Strategic Stockpiles gets deeper!

Price of a strategically vital metal, palladium, rallied from $145 in 2003 to almost $400 recently, this happened with global production of 7M ounces per year, and on top of that the Russians dumping 1.8M ounces per year from their strategic stockpile. With such extreme over supply palladium should be extremely bearish, but it had been very bullish for the past four years? WHY?

Many experts believe the Russian stockpile is running low today! They can NOT continue this massive dumping. Lots of investment entities saw this and positioned themselves and silently loading up physical palladium. Once the huge Russian dumping is cut off, expect palladium price immediately shot to sky high!

This speaks extremely bullish for a little known stock called SWC, the only US based palladium producer, and richest palladium mine in the world.

An explosive 20 folds gain within 4 years or shorter can be expected. That’s 2000% gain!

The perfect technical chart should convince any one the right entry point is right around the corner.

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