
Berkshire Still Adding To Burlington Northern Stake

Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A)disclosed it added again to its Burlington Northern (BNI)stake in an SEC filing Friday.

In the filing Friday after market close, Berkshire disclosed it bought 1.2 million more shares of the railroad.

1/16: 44,200 shares @ $76.55
1/17: 205,800 shares @ $77.83
1/18: 996,100 shares at $76.97

This brings Berkshire total holding in the company to 63,775,118 shares

Disclosure (“none” means no position):More admiration, None

Todd Sullivan's- ValuePlays

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2 replies on “Berkshire Still Adding To Burlington Northern Stake”

This doesn’t say anything about WEB’s take on the entire market and whether it’s at a bottom. It just says he thinks BNI is significantly undervalued. He doesn’t try to call market bottoms.

Todd, did you see the WSJ article about SHLD transforming to more of a holding company? It seems that Wall Street would cheer this news as it would mean Lampert would be re-entering the Berkshire mold rather than focusing on turning around a struggling retailer.

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