
Who Will Buy Sprint?

With shares down 61% the last 6 months and a market cap of just $24 billion now, just how long will the nations 3rd largest wireless carrier, Sprint (S) remain independent?

Who would want them? Two main candidates.
Google (GOOG):
Reports are Google is going to bid $4 billion for wireless spectrum in an upcoming auction. At this point and price, why not take Sprint’s spectrum and get 54 million subscribers to boot? With the gPhone launching soon, wouldn’t a cheap Sprint be the perfect platform? Sprint’s main problem is subscriber losses, if current subscribers thought they might get first crack at a new phone, that exodus would if not halt, be severely curtailed.

Google was first rumored to be interested in Sprint when late last year when shares were more than twice their current level and the company sported a near $50 billion market cap. If they are interested, time is wasting. At these levels, a bunch of folks may begin sniffing around.

Comcast (CMCSA):
With both Verizon (VZ) and AT%T (T) encroaching on their cable TV subscribers, would not a tie up between the two be advantageous for both. Comcast would instantly be a player in the wireless game and Sprint would be able to offer wireless services bundled into Comcast’s cable subscriptions. Comcast currently sports a $52 billion market cap and could do the deal. Indiviually, Sprint and Comcast cannot offer the breadth of services Verizon and AT&T are, together, they would be a very formidable foe.

Disclosure (“none” means no position): None

Todd Sullivan's- ValuePlays

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