
"Fast Money" for Tuesday

Tuesday’s Picks
Pete Najarian thinks ConocoPhillips (COP) $83.44 is a buy.

Karen Finerman likes BJ Services (BJS) $25.91

Guy Adami prefers UTEK Corp. (UTK) $11.97

Jeff Macke recommends shorting the Dow by buying Short Dow30 ProShares (DOG) $64.03.

Monday’s Results
Jeff Macke thinks Wal-Mart (WMT) $49.59 is a buy with a 4-handle. Close $49.90 GAIN

Guy Adami prefers Home Depot (HD) $26.55 Close $27.04 GAIN

Karen Finerman recommends Yahoo! (YHOO) $27.78 Close $27.74 LOSS

Pete Najarian thinks Altria (MO) $73.14 is a buy. Close $72.98 LOSS

Tim Seymour tells the panel to short emerging markets with the iShares MSCI Emerging Markets ETF (EEM) $139.62 Close $150.38 GAIN

2008 Records:
Brian Schaeffer= 0-1
Carter Worth= 0-1
Jon Najarian= 4-1
Jeff Macke= 16-11
Tim Seymore= 7-4
Guy Adami= 15-14
Pete Najarian= 13-11
Karen Finerman= 13-14-1

2007 Results (Since 6/21):
Guy Adami= 58-46 = 56%
Jeff Macke= 60-40 = 60%
Pete Najarian= 49-41 = 54%

Todd Sullivan's- ValuePlays

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