
Lampert Still Buying AutoNation Shares

In a just released SEC filing, Sears Holdings (SHLD) Chairman Eddie Lampert upped his AutoNation (AN) stake to 64.7 million shares adding another 1 million shares on March 3rd.

He now controls 35.8% of the shares

Disclosure (“none” means no position):Long SHLD, None

Todd Sullivan's- ValuePlays

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2 replies on “Lampert Still Buying AutoNation Shares”

Sears Selling Out To The Competition?
Investopedia, 03/05/2008

“Sears would probably receive a fair amount of interest in its big-name brands from other outlets. However, that could ultimately hurt foot traffic and, therefore, sales of other items.”
“What would draw consumers to Sears if they could already pick up a Kenmore washing machine or a Craftsman drill elsewhere? The ambiance? The customer service? I don’t think so.”

Not sure this guys gets the big picture.

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