
Get Rid of Kneale and Gasparino

Nothing to do with investing… but am I the only one who is sick of seeing these two? Every segment they are in dissolves into this stuff..

Todd Sullivan's- ValuePlays

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3 replies on “Get Rid of Kneale and Gasparino”

Respectfully disagree, Kneale is a fool. Charlie the G is entertaining and is occasionally moving the market with his appearances. Ditch Client 1, let the sweaty Italian toil til he drops.

to a point, i agree…

“G” does good work, he just is not capable of “playing with others”.

kneale just doesn’t bring anything to the game. watching him try to figure out if “there are any republicans on the hookers list” after the spitzer news broke was just pathetic..

i tolerated him until then… talk about missing the point..

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