
Icahn Wins with Motorola

It looks like Carl Icahn will get what he want with Motorola (MOT)

Motorola announced this morning it has “commenced a process to create two independent, publicly-traded companies. Today’s decision follows the Company’s January 31, 2008 announced evaluation of the structural and strategic realignment of its businesses and represents affirmative steps to position its Mobile Devices and Broadband & Mobility Solutions businesses for success, while creating value for all Motorola shareholders.

“Our decision to separate our Mobile Devices and Broadband & Mobility Solutions businesses follows a review process undertaken by our management team and Board of Directors, together with independent advisors,” said Greg Brown, Motorola’s president and chief executive officer. “Creating two industry-leading companies will provide improved flexibility, more tailored capital structures, and increased management focus – as well as more targeted investment opportunities for our shareholders.”

Based on current plans, the creation of the two stand-alone businesses is expected to take the form of a tax-free distribution to Motorola’s shareholders, subject to further financial, tax and legal analysis, resulting in shareholders holding shares of two independent and publicly-traded companies.”

It took him a while but the man (Icahn) rarely loses…

Disclosure (“none” means no position):none

Todd Sullivan's- ValuePlays

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