
Weekend Reading At VIN

Here are the week’s top ten at Value Investing News

1. Best Buy Management

In the sequel to the Right Price Checklist Management article I go over Best Buy’s management and reveal their returns fueled by debt and unusually large amount of related party transactions

2. Whitney Tilson: Let the herd stampede first before making your move

Without doubt, timely and democratic access to financial and market information contributes to smoothly functioning financial markets. But it’s worth asking whether the ubiquity of such information today is a friend or foe of sound investment decision-making. For all but the most active professional traders, the answer is often “no”.

3. Right Price Checklist: Management

In the third part of the Right Price Checklist series, I throughly go over how to analyze management.

The article details how to analyze management’s honesty and competence and how well they communicate with shareholders.

4. 5 Tips For Choosing Small Cap Value Stocks

Small cap stocks need not be hot tip penny stocks or speculative growth stories based on an idea and a prayer. There are plenty of quality, undervalued small cap stocks out there, and this article tells you how to find them.

5. Templeton’s Mobius Says Credit Crisis Is Near End

Templeton Asset Management Ltd.’s Mark Mobius said the global credit-market crisis that has caused $245 billion dollars of losses at banks and brokerages is “near the end.”

6. David Dreman : Looking Beyond the Bailout

Frightening as the markets look today, there will come a time when the liquidity crisis ends and today’s prices for bank stocks look, in retrospect, like bargains.

7. James Altucher : Why insiders are betting on homebuilders

A few weeks ago I got an e-mail saying: “Stop with the personal sh*t and give us more stock tips.” So today’s article is ALL STOCKS.

8. What Warren thinks…

With Wall Street in chaos, Fortune naturally went to Omaha looking for wisdom. Warren Buffett talks about the economy, the credit crisis, Bear Stearns, and more.

9. Mark Sellers : Take financial talking-heads with a grain of salt

Everyone acts in his or her self-interest. This is a key facet of humanity, and keeps our society moving forward. Think about that the next time you make an investment decision. As an investor, it is in your interest for your portfolio to do as well as possible with the least risk possible. Unfortunately, this is not the goal of most of the people you may rely on for news and advice.

10. 5th Annual Whitman Day: Breakfast Panel with Martin J. Whitman and Richard Haydon

Collectively, Martin J. Whitman ’49 BS and Richard Haydon ’66 BA (A&S) have a century of Wall Street experience—and that fact is evident in the wisdom and insight revealed in this wide-ranging panel discussion.

Todd Sullivan's- ValuePlays

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