
Race and Democrats

No investing here but just an observation and a question. Why are Democrats so obsessed with race?

Condolezza Rice and Colin Powell have both been called “Uncle Tom’s” by Democrats. When Micheal Steele ran for Governor of Maryland, the Maryland Democratic party called him an “Uncle Tom”.

Bill Clinton is claiming Barack Oboma is playing the “race card”. Of course this is after Barack’s speech (lecture to America) on race and 8 years after Democrats labeled Clinton himself the “First Black President”.

97% of African American Democrats in Pennsylvania voted for Barack. 97%? Castro would love numbers like that.

It is not a “Presidential Election” issue either as Rice, Powell and Steele were not running for the office.

Does anyone have an answer?

Why? Why are Democrats so fixated and hostile when it comes to race?

Todd Sullivan's- ValuePlays

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