

I have decided to use Google to track the portfolio as the way I was doing it was not accounting for items like the Phillip Morris International (PM) split from Altria (MO).

I will ad other features as I am able.

Todd Sullivan's- ValuePlays

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7 replies on “Portfolio”

Hmmn…that format is not easy to read. You should still compare your performance to a benchmark. What are your thoughts about the weighting of the securities in the portfolio?

I liked the Icarra format…the graphs are nice.

S&P comp is at the bottom…

weighting… working on it

should have it tomorrow

you still have not accounted for MO spin-offs appropriately. I have held MO around the same time as you are and I am pretty sure I am not up 100+%?
also eliminate dividends from the comparison to the S&P as you do not add them to the index to make apples to apples comparison.

lastly weight your returns according to position weight in the portfolio rather than simple average to get a better picture.

just some recommendations.
Great blog btw


had to account for the pm and kft spins vs current price. otherwise it would look as though i was down 60% when clearly am not.

I took the cost basis of both and gave it as a dividend to offset the subtraction of it from the current price of mo. then started tracking pm at cost, otherwise my cost for om would be zero and skew the return on it.

i sold kft the day i got it…

i am pretty sure i am right…

also, not sure where to find the S%P dividend totals…

thank you

ok thanks.

but I am pretty sure you are not on the MO spin offs you are counting Kft as dividends, which is fine, but it seems you are not accounting correctly for its cost basis.

It just caught my eye because I am in the same bought as you and I am not realizing 100%+ return on MO. take it for what its worth.

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