
Pickens Interview: (CNQ),(SU),(CHK),(SD)

I found this in my daily travels around the web and had to share it.

T. Boone is one of the best interviews out there as he pulls no punches, admits to being wrong (the few times he actually is) and explains his thoughts very clearly.

Mentioned was Canadian Oil Sands (CNQ), Suncor (SU), Chesapeake Energy (CHK) and SandRidge (SD)

The interview is 35 minutes long and you can hear it here.

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Todd Sullivan's- ValuePlays

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One reply on “Pickens Interview: (CNQ),(SU),(CHK),(SD)”

$10 to listen to the interview? Are you getting a piece or is there a free interview?

Bloomberg, CNBC have 50-T Boone interviews for free.

I’m not against ponying up the $10, but at least say it costs 10 in the blog.

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