
Leucadia Releases 13-F: Can you Spell Concentrated Portfolio?

Now, here is a concentrated equity portfolio.

Leucadia’s (LUK) 13-F reveals equity holdings in just 7 companies:

Amount of holdings in millions:
Americredit (ACF)= $295
Capital Southwest (CSWC)= $2.4
Cresund (CRESY)= $51.3
Georesources (GEOI)= $4.6
International Assets Holding (IAAC)= $34.5
Jefferies (JEF)= $68.8
United Western Bank (UWBK) = $2.2

Total= $458.8

The interesting part is that 88% of the portfolio is in financials. United, Amercredit, Capital, International Assets and Jefferies are all in the financial sector in some form.

Now, that is concentration…

Disclosure (“none” means no position):None

Todd Sullivan's- ValuePlays

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3 replies on “Leucadia Releases 13-F: Can you Spell Concentrated Portfolio?”

Is it really concentrated?

LUK market cap is ~$12B, so the 13F portfolio is 4% of market cap.

Revenues for LUK in ’07 were ~$1.2B. Cash and cash equivalents as of 12/31/07 were ~$457MM.

Please take a look at the annual report to better understand the company’s investment holdings (public and private).


I know they own outright other businesses such as wineries and have a real estate arm. they are also a 10% investor in Pershing for Target.

Their stock investments are than concentrated, as a conglomerate (like berkshire) their businesses holdings are more diversified…


FYI, market cap is not equal to the company’s equity.

the company’s 5,347Million.

Hence, it makes the stocks holding equal to 9% of the company’s net worth.

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