
Friday's Links

Bonds, Asset Managers, Sotheby’s, biofuels

– Good, See ya’

– This is true

– This is a nice pick….

– Most of what is said about them is bunk. Listen to those placing large bets there…

Todd Sullivan's- ValuePlays

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5 replies on “Friday's Links”


just so politically dependent..

i think they will be feast or famine

Whoever wrote the biofuel backlash backlash article doesn’t understand economics. It may be that Monsanto corn is not used for table food, but if farmers replace their food corn for ethanol corn, it reduces the amount of the crop. In 2007 I spoke with Illinois farmers, and everyone was planting corn for ethanol to the detriment of other crops. This year people started switching back because prices of grains spiked. Prices won’t decline until more farmland comes online.

Good to hear you liked my Sotheby’s pick. I have to write about that one a bit more when I get a chance.

I can’t believe how well its been doing since I bought my shares of BID earlier in the week.

Looks like this post agrees with your assessment of the health industry.

Election Worries Have Put HMO Stocks Like United On Sale

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