
Burnett’s Disdain for Lampert on Display Again…..Why?

It has been 6 months since I first posted on this. Does anyone know what Sears Holdings (SHLD) Eddie Lampert did to CNBC’s Erin Burnett? Watch below..

Now, I have never seem a “anchor” with such a snotty almost giddy reaction to a company or its head at news that is less than wonderful. Now, had Lampert been convicted of inside trading or fraud, it would be one thing and more than justified. But, Lampert has done nothing wrong except make shareholders very wealthy. Yes, despite the stock’s recent fall, those who invested with him 4 years ago are still way ahead and he has an almost unmatched track record.

Does anyone know the back-history here?

I have yet to see or find and example where Burnett has reported on any of Lampert’s investing successes. Anyone?

Disclosure (“none” means no position):Long SHLD.

Todd Sullivan's- ValuePlays

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