
More on Lehman: Einhorn is Stil On Top of It

I have not found a reason to doubt Einhorn yet and actually, if one is following it, one must believe him more as each day passes….

Listen to what Einhorn has to say first about Lehman (LEH):

Now listen to what Faber says CFO Erin Callahan says:

Here is how it priced:

Not for nothing but where is CEO Dick Fuld? Why aren’t the media demanding he be the face of the company rather than the CFO? The company is imploding and he is sending Callahan out there for crucifixion. Why?

There comes a point in time when the guy or gal in charge need to be out in front. I mean if they will get rid of Jimmy Cayne for playing bridge, is it now ok for Fuld to hide in his office? What is the difference really?

Here is what it comes down to. Lehman now is at a point where they are either not telling the truth, or, do not have a handle on what they hold. Either is very bad for shareholders.

This is the singular reason comments from Einhorn have so much weight. He right now seems to be the only one who is both being totally honest AND has a handle on what is going on there.

Disclosure (“none” means no position):None

Todd Sullivan's- ValuePlays

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One reply on “More on Lehman: Einhorn is Stil On Top of It”

Vindicated, I am right I’m swear I’m right, I swear I knew it all along

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