
Lehman's Callan Out: What About Fuld?

What about the guy at the top? Callan did not get Lehman (LEH) into this trouble.

Erin Callan was demoted at Lehman after only 7 months on the job trying to deal with problem that took year to create. Callan must now know how Christ felt….

The logic here is indefensible. If Fuld did not know the depths of the problems, he should go. If he did, he should go for sending Callan to slaughter.

Admittedly she has been lying to the press and whining about short sellers in a desperate attempt to save Lehman. But, she is doing Fuld’s dirt work for him.

If the firm is going down, the CEO ought to be the public face, not the “pretty woman”. Was he hoping folks would take it easier on her because she is female? I mean really, step up buddy…

Now, we all knew this was coming but even I expected Fuld to step up a little and at least offer some public support for the troops….guess not

The list will continue to grow

You got no one to blame now Dick

Disclosure (“none” means no position):None

Todd Sullivan's- ValuePlays

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