
Message from Andrew Corn

(LEH) Lehman Brothers Discussion on Bloomberg Radio


Today at 9:10 am I will be discussing (LEH) Lehman Brothers and the ibanks, (MER), (GS), (MS) specifically. Where the industry now and what is next for the ibanks? I feel the opportunity for taking the high ground of mark to market and setting aside reserves in case the market deteriorates further is long gone. My call for this action along with full disclosure dates back to the fall on both Bloomberg radio and TV.


Tune in for the perspective.


Disclosure: Mr. Corn is CEO of Clear Asset Management Inc. and Clear Indexes LLC. He does not directly own any of the securities mentioned. Clear Indexes publishes the Clear Global Exchanges, Brokers and Asset Managers Index which is tracked by the ETF (EXB). Mr. Corn owns shares of (EXB).

Thank you,

Todd Sullivan

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