
AutoNation’s (AN) Mike Jackson on Gas Tax

You know, if Congress would just listen to Jackson and Dow’s (DOW) Andrew Liveris on energy, we would be so much farther along the road than we are now.

We recently took a long position in AutoNation (AN). This interview Jackson did was what got me really looking into the company and considering a purchase.

This is a multi-year bet as auto sales do not look to turn soon but the demand will continue to build and when it releases, profits ought to flow…

It should be noted that famed value investors like Leucadia (LUK), Berkshire’s Buffett (BRK.A) are buying into the sector as it troughs.

Disclosure (“none” means no position):Long AN

Todd Sullivan's- ValuePlays

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One reply on “AutoNation’s (AN) Mike Jackson on Gas Tax”

Good CEO and Lampert has been buying at higher levels.

I really wish Congress would listen to Jackson and Liveris!!!

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