
Ken Heebner the Bull

Listen to Heebner. Sounds like a guy loading up for a bull market?

It is hard to argue with a guy like Heebner and his track record…

Todd Sullivan's- ValuePlays

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3 replies on “Ken Heebner the Bull”

Note – I am a long-standing CGM Focus share holder.

Yes, Ken is bullish, but you have to listen to what and where he’s investing. Ken is by no means a value investor – rather, he’s a contrarian investor and often takes high risk positions (he made $400m by shorting the real estate market in 06 and 07).

Todd, as a Value Investor who buys under valued investments, I would think you wouldn’t be overly interested in what a contrarian investor like Ken Heebner says. After all, he doesn’t believe in a retailers in general and has a short position in SHLD.

How can you spin this perspective?


to be a value investor you have to be a bit contrarian, no?

that being said, i listen to any successful investor. buffett does not like clothing retailers per se and has no position in sears, yet he bears listening to.

i do not think heebner made a high risk bet in real estate, he just saw the current problems before the rest of us did.

would i try to copy his style? no. couldn’t do it. that does not mean i would ignore him or dismiss his activity

todd – thanks for the response. i think my comment was more around “value” investing. I don’t see Heebner as a VALUE investor – buy and hold – akin to Buffet or Lampert and thus was curious to see him highlighted on ValuePlays. Rather, I see him as the consumate MARKET investor.

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