
Lampert Buys More AutoNation (AN) Shares

Just a week after Bill Gates picked up 5% of the shares of AutoNation (AN), Sears Holdings (SHLD) Chairman Eddie Lampert purchased an additional 3.478 million shares at $9.80 to $10.35 a share

Lampert now controls in excess of 75 million shares or over 43% of the company.

Disclosure (“none” means no position):Long AN

Todd Sullivan's- ValuePlays

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2 replies on “Lampert Buys More AutoNation (AN) Shares”


What are your thoughts on this? Clearly something is going on here. He has increased his position from 24% to 43% in just over a year. Do you think he is planning to take AN private? Could he then maybe buy it with SHLD somehow?

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