
The Fast Money Boys (and Gal) Talk Ackman

Discussed: Fannie (FNM), Freddie (FRE), Target (TGT), Sears (SHLD), Borders (BGP), Wendy’s (WEN).

Disclosure (“none” means no position):Long SHLD, BGP, none

Todd Sullivan's- ValuePlays

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3 replies on “The Fast Money Boys (and Gal) Talk Ackman”

Apparently you’re the one who’s clueless….Wendy’s is merging with Triarc. The announcement came in late April. However I do not know if Ackman bought it before or after the announcement.

Nice Ryan. Very nice. Of course I’m aware that Peltz is “buying” Wendy’s. However, you appear unaware that Ackman presented his Wendy’s investment at the Ira Sohn conference this year.

It is most definitely not an arb.

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