
Sherwin Williams Files Response in Legal Cost Issue

Once again Jane Genova got the scoop. Jane probably had a copy of the response before the Court Clerk in RI did. Sherwin Williams (SHW) has officially filed its response to RI.

Anyway, here is her post

The line that gets me:
“Here you can download the Rhode Island lead defendants’ rebuttal of the state’s contention of sovereign immunity as well as the state’s argument that costs should be denied because defendants’ “failed to exhaust the remedies available to them from the outset.”

Exhaust remedies? Really? I thought the RISC just ruled the case should never have been brought in the first place? What would RI AG Patrick Lynch have proposed the defendants do? Beg for forgiveness? Grovel at his feet?

I can’t wait to read the response. I hope it is with keeping with this whole farce from the beginning…hysterical…

It must be hard to write a professional response to the court the way the defendants do. Recite the law on one hand and remind us of the absurdity of the entire situation on the other.

Disclosure (“none” means no position):Long SHW

Todd Sullivan's- ValuePlays

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