Ok, so Netflix (NFLX) has had an issue that stopped it from shipping DVD’s for a day. Am I the only one who is not sure why this is such a big deal? I mean, if your day can be ruined because your Netflix DVD will show up tomorrow instead of today, you may need to do a “priority check”.
Here is the jist of the problem.
And more on it:
CNBC ran with it for 5 minutes but I think enough is enough.
The really odd thing is that this could end up being a boon for the company. what does Netflix want to do? Push folks into the video-on-demand box. I am sure that they will offer people some discount for those affected by the mailing snafu and if they are smart, perhaps offer folks a small incentive to change their service to the online one, “so they do not have to worry about this again”.
Just idea of how to “fall in sh#% and come up smelling like a rose”
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One reply on “NetFlix’s "Issue": Why the Big Deal? It’s an Opportunity”
Something to take into account is that this issue coincides with the class action settlement, which significantly increases the number of DVDs shipped for the month of August. I was automatically bumped up to the next service for the month of August as part of the settlement.