
Pershing Files 13F: More Wendy’s, Ups Short in MBIA

Bill Ackman doubled down on a few bets this quarter

Pershing Square and Bill Ackman made some changes:
Increased Wendy’s (WEN) from 7 million to 13 million shares
Increase Puts on MBIA (MBI) from 65k shares to 870k shares (more short)
Initiated a stake in Dr. Pepper (DPS) now holding 21 million shares

Sears Holdings (SHLD), Borders (BGP) and Barnes & Noble (BKS) stakes remained unchanged.

Full filing

May Filing

Disclosure (“none” means no position):None

Todd Sullivan's- ValuePlays

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One reply on “Pershing Files 13F: More Wendy’s, Ups Short in MBIA”

He seems pretty confident on his MBIA stance. The outcome of this period is gonna go down in history as either making or breaking the reputation of Miller, Ackman, Whitman, etc.

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