
Friday’s Links

Bloggers, Greenspan, Waksal, College Drinking, ethanol

– David Merkel set the record straight

– Felix is right……….just shut up

– Raise your hand if you forgot about him…be honest..

– OK, This is the most important thing educators have to deal with? How about this, ACTUALLY PUNISH PEOPLE FOR BREAKING THE LAW. Maybe if the rule was, “you are underage and get caught with booze on campus, your out of school”? Right, “then will go off campus and drink”, “educators” will say. OK, then let the police ARREST THEM. This is imbecilic. You mean to tell me if 18 year olds are allowed to break the rules without repercussions they do it? Really?

– Proof it is cheaper than gas

Todd Sullivan's- ValuePlays

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