
Palin Speech (video)

For those who missed it… best line (there were many)? “Do you know the difference between a hockey mom and a pitbull? Lipstick”. The speech drew 37 plus million people, only 1 million less than Obama’s. Wanna bet that had million of people in Louisiana, Mississippi and East Texas not be displaced due to the hurricane , she would have easily beat him? I think so too.

Part 1:

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

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3 replies on “Palin Speech (video)”

I’ve mentioned this on my own blog, but I will say it again: I think the nomination of Sarah Palin is the most important thing to happen to the Republican party since the election of Ronald Reagan. Right now I am the most excited I’ve ever been for an election.

excited about what ?….maybe that she has absolutely no solutions or plans in her hand….but all she can come up with in her first national speech is to badmouth obama.

I guess thats the best republicans can do


how did she “bad mouth” obama? the only thing she did was factually state his record, and compare his exec. experience to hers. that was necessary because she had been attacked for almost a week by democrats for being a “small town mayor”.

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