
Matt Damon……Moron

Ok…nothing to do with investing but now that I have stopped laughing so hard I was crying, I thought I would share..

Filed under: Why actors should shut up and just act….

Best line: “I really want to know if Sara Palin thinks dinosaurs were here 4,000 years ago”…..Why Matt?


“It terrifies me that she could be President because I do not know anything about her”……one word Matt….GOOGLE….you could find out easily if you wanted to..

“Did she ban books?”…uh Matt, this internet rumor was discredited almost as soon as it came out. Here Matty, I’ll do the work for you

Check out his condescension toward both “small towns” and being Governor of Alaska (as opposed to Governor of…nothing?).

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2 replies on “Matt Damon……Moron”

Y, he’s entitled to his opinion. What gets me is that he and his friends don’t think I’m entitled to my opinion about Obama.

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