
No More Shorting Sears

This is just stupid….just ban them all for now….this “trickle banning” is insane!!!!

Reuters reports
Sears Holdings (SHLD) has been added to the “no sort” list.

Rather than ban it, why not look into the massive naked short interest in the stock? Wouldn’t that make more sense?

SEC Chief Chris Cox cannot be fired fast enough. He clearly has no handle on the situation.

Disclosure (“none” means no position):Long SHLD
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4 replies on “No More Shorting Sears”

Why would the company be on the list without Eddie’s involvement? So, the real question is why does Eddie want Sears on the list?


not true… the SEC is basing it on short interest… for instance Einhorn’s was put on and he had to request it be taken off.

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