
AutoNation’s Jackson on Auto Loans

There is a backlog of buyers waiting to buy cars.

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2 replies on “AutoNation’s Jackson on Auto Loans”

It’s tempting to think that the cusummer has hidden away under a stone waiting for these bad times to pass. But it’s interesting that Jackson says he has real customers who want to buy.

He suggests that there is real demand out there for the type of loans that companies like Americredit offer (prime and sub prime). If only the conditions in the capital markets would improve Americredit might fly and so might AN.

If conditions don’t improve all bets are off. That is, all bets except those that involve some long haul value investing.

Even with the financial situation going on right, people are still applying for loans on a daily basis because of weekly or daily life needs.There are lending institutions not completely affected by everything and would be willing to work with people even during this world crisis.


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