
Whitney Tilson Talks About What He Is Buying

for those who have been depressed by Whitney Tilson for the past year (not that he hasn’t been correct), it seems as thought his tuned has decidedly changed.

Wall St. Newsletters

Whitney is saying we are “close to a bottom”. He said the are “bargains galore out there”. Whitney is buying blue chips like Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A), American Express (AXP), Johnson & Johnson (JNJ), Coke (KO), Wal-Mart (WMT). He is also buying energy names that have “puked out by hedge funds” during the recent forced selling. He is buying MLP’s as they are “toll road” companies like Contango (MCF).

Whitney did manage to slip a plug for in but hide his infatuation for Barack Obama.


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5 replies on “Whitney Tilson Talks About What He Is Buying”

love and appreciate your blog.

however, i think tilson is a much, much better newsletter and conference promoter than money manager; he may not merit the informative highlighting you provide to folks like buffett, wilbur ross, etc.

IMHO, tilson’s a good messenger, but lacks a substantive track record.

Contango MCF is a MLP? Or more specific, is Contango a toll road in any aspect?

Sellers made a mistake…

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