
Dow Chemical Insiders Buying Shares

Recent SEC filings today show Dow Chemical (DOW) insiders purchasing shares.

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EVP Hienz Haller bought 10,000 shares Monday bringing his direct holding to just under 86K shares.

EVP Charles Kahlil bought 3,200 shares the same day bringing his direct holdings to 122k shares.

The executives spent in excess of $310k of their own money buying the shares in the first insider purchase since August. I would expect more to be filed in the coming days. I also recognize these are not huge purchases but again, I would expect more executives to step up to the plate soon.

Now Dow has the endorsement of Berkshire’s (BRK.A) Warren Buffett becoming the largest individual shareholder and it executives are, as Warren likes to say “eating their own cooking”.

Disclosure (“none” means no position):Long Dow, none
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