
Sears "Days to Cover" Nears 3 Weeks ($SHLD)

When the short squeeze comes in Sears Holdings (SHLD), it will be something to see.

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Here is the latest short interest info”

End of October information will be released soon and we can update it. The days to cover has risen sharply because the trading volume has fallen off a cliff. It means that for the short to cover their bets, it will not be possible to do so without dramatic increases in the stock price.

As shorts rush to cover, trading volume will double or triple. That will cause a rush of other buyers as they will notice it for what it is, a short squeeze. This will cause sharper price increases, leading to more covering..

Here is more information on the short math

to see what this effect can do, investors need only look at the action in Volkswagon (VOW) shares last week.

Disclosure (“none” means no position):Long SHLD, none
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One reply on “Sears "Days to Cover" Nears 3 Weeks ($SHLD)”

Looks like their volume is slightly on the upturn how long do you think till we see these big guys begin to cover?

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