
One of The Funniest Things I Have Ever Seen

I had tears coming down my face….

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3 replies on “One of The Funniest Things I Have Ever Seen”

Todd, you know I love the blog, agree with almost every stock pick you make, when you make it, but dude we are not of one mind when it comes to politics. I’ll stick with Buffet on this one.

You have to admit as funny as that video clip is, the real one about Palin is even funnier. I’m talking about FOX News reports that her aides claim she didn’t know Africa was a continent. You can’t make that stuff up 🙂

Todd, that is hilarious.

I don’t believe in voting myself – but I would be afraid to put a McCain/Palin bumper sticker on my car or campaign poster in my yard.

Hopefully something good will happen out of this campaign.

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