
Tilson’s T2 Files 13F

Just filed

Wall St. Newsletters

Tilson’s Fund reduced holdings in:
American Express (AXP)
Sears Holdings (SHLD)
Borders (BGP)
Barnes and Noble (BKS)- position closed
Starbucks (SBUX)- position closed
Target (TGT)

He added to or initiated:
Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.B)
Echostar (DISH)
Delias (DLIA)
Anheuser Busch (BUD)
Research in Motion (RIMM)
Chesapeake Energy (CHK)

The total value of T2’s holding has gone from $112 million in July to $132 million as of today’s filing.

Note, this does not indicate performance, simply the amount of dollars invested in the securities listed..

Disclosure (“none” means no position):Long SHLD, BGP, none
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One reply on “Tilson’s T2 Files 13F”

His moves in out of stocks across a wide spectrum of industries strikes me as anything but Buffet like. Is it just me or do others concur?

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