
Lampert Buys More AutoNation

Wondered when this was going to happen

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Eddie Lampert and his ESL Investors hedge fund picked up another 520k share of AutoNation (AN) @$5.96 a share this week.

Lampert now holds over 79 million shares

Disclosure (“none” means no position):Long AN
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4 replies on “Lampert Buys More AutoNation”

Don’t really understand why he is taking so long with these buys…

He owns 44% of the company now, which is basically a controling stake. He has the power to take it private or to fold it into SHLD. The fact that he hasn’t yet done so is very strange…


Can you clarify this statement a bit? What do you mean? How is this a misperception? He holds voting power over 44% of the company… he can essentially do anything he wants, no?

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