
Pershing Square’s Bill Ackman Files 13F

Some real surprises here

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Here is the filing

AIG (AIG)= 32 million shares plus call options on 400k shares
Target (TGT)= # of shares owned stayed the same but call options went from 12,000 to 2 million shares
MasterCard (MA)= 469k shares
Visa (V)= 2.69 million shares

Sears Holdings (SHLD)= From 6.7 million to 500k shares
Wendy’s (WEN)- From 130 million to 55 million shares

Barnes & Noble (BKS) & Borders Group (BGP) holdings stayed the same

Disclosure (“none” means no position):Long BGP, SHLD, none
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12 replies on “Pershing Square’s Bill Ackman Files 13F”

Jeez. Guess he got fed up with Lampert…very interesting.

I never noticed how huge Ackman’s positions in EMC and DPS were…

You are going to see a slew of people who have sold out of SHLD. Lampert has lost a ton of support over the past 2 years, because he has not done anything that he should have done when he had the chance. Now people like Ackman, Tilson, Miller, etc. are all selling.. due to a combination of redemptions and being frustrated as hell with Eddie.

Will be interesting to see if Monish or Berkowitz have sold any shares. I’m interested to see ESL’s 13F too. There has been some serious dumping of SHLD as of late…

Still standing pat on SHLD I assume Todd?

This is when I am glad to be an individual investor, and not have to answer to anyone but my wife. Our advantage over the Hedge Funds, Private Equity & Mutual Funds becomes apparent.. no redemptions. We just have to hold on what we have (and continue to pickup shares when they get cheap).

You have to put Ackman’s sale of Sears into perspective. By the end of September Sears had appreciated considerably and investments in AIG and WB were much more compelling. I was looking at Tilson’s filings too. He sold some Sears also, but had almost the same amount of money ($3Million) in Sears in his last two filings. SO…he probably took some profits to add to other investments. I would not be surprised if we see Tilson’s holdings in Sears increase in his fourth quarter filing, although Sears might appreciate by the end of the quarter, prompting Tilson to take more profits.. Who knows… what do you guys think?

Supposedly both Ackman and SHLD have bought additional shares of Sears Canada though. There’s been some speculation that SHLD needs cash (and half their cash is in Sears Canada) so then Sears Canada will declare a special dividend to pass the cash thru to SHLD.

SHLD is in a bad place right now. Nobody would want to buy their assests and while their competitors cut capex to keep going, SHLD has the lowest capex in the industry so it’s got nothing to cut except bone. It’s a dangerous time for such an inexperienced retailer like Lampert.

Dingo since Todd is now hiding and not answering questions let me ask you where did you hear about that dividend through Sears Canada.

Todd what happened to the short squeeze of the century.

You remind me of Cramer who said to buy at $180.


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