
Baupost Group Holdings Drop $300 Million

Just files 13HR..

Wall St. Newsletters

From the quarter ending June to the quarter ending Sept, Seth Klarman’s Baupost Group stock holdings drop from $1.9 billion to $1.6 billion.

The number of issues held fell from 69 in June to 52 in September.

Of course there is no word whether or not this was redemption based or valuation based selling.

He did add to his position in News Corp. (NWS) buy 30%. He also did large scale selling in both Wellpoint (WLP) and United Health (UNH).

In this market it is hard to tell why anyone is doing anything. Note…there is no notice as to the level of cash holdings, this is not indicative of performance, just the value of stock holdings.

Disclosure (“none” means no position):none
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2 replies on “Baupost Group Holdings Drop $300 Million”

From what I see he DECREASES the stakes in UNH y WPT

UNITEDHEALTH GROUP 4664487 => 789700
WELLPOINT INC 5517698 => 2038400

Am I reading it wrong?

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