
Lampert Picks Up More AutoNation ($an)

From the timing department. Both myself and several readers have been buying shares the last few day

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Eddie Lampert, through his ESL Holdings picked up another 230k shares at the end of last week, adding to his earlier .

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21 replies on “Lampert Picks Up More AutoNation ($an)”

msf…hey buddy…left seeking alpha to troll here?

why would it help sears? who said it would?

AN will not hit $20 by year end

not sure what the last one means…..

I meant Sears will be at $20 Todd also you did not respond to certain questions on Seeking Delta.
What is going on with Sears stock.It is tanking like I said in those posts.Lampert this Lmapert that.Well?


i almost never answer questions on seeking alpha, (not delta btw)…folks who want to chat can come here…

read the blog…..other than wal-mart, what in retail has not tanked?

Todd I want to be fair you are correct other retailers have tanked but you have analysts out there saying literally not to buy the stock at all.
You have to admit Lampert should make some sort of statement to his shareholders.
It looks like it going to trade where it first came out.


I have said since summer i would not be buying ANY retail at all now…other than maybe borders or AN

lampert has said nothing on the way up…or down..

Sears??? not at all…

like i said, find me another retailer of any scale not being squashed right now, except wal-mart…

sears has a better balance sheet than 95% of them…

why is google near $200?….not much makes sense nowadays

that is why it is called value investing. if everything was properly valued, it would not exist

Todd lets look at Lampert.

Bought Citigroup stock at its highs then sold for a loss.

He did not close any stores and if the land was owned sell the real estate when the real estate was high.
Bought Sears stock with the buyback at it highs.

Closing stores now. (looks desperate)
His way of allocating the capital.

Todd, What is he doing for Sears shareholders that is positive.

I use to own Sears stock but because of the above sold.

look at almost every investor…..only a select few are up..

buffett, miller, dremen, nygren, etc all down…

he did sell real estate when it was high, the closing now are part of annual plans, nothing extraordinary. 12 out of 3000 is a drop in the bucket

he is drastically shrinking the share base…

when retails turns….it will rock..

let’s not forget 20% return for almost two decades…he did not get stupid overnight

Todd wouldn’t you think he would buy shares through ESL since the stock price is so low.

I’m not arguing with you I am just trying to make a point,,where is everyone else,,,lol.

Also, that would indicate to me to buy I mean 100 shares at around $3000 is alot better than at $18000.

there very well may be a cap on a single security in the ESL fund. most of them have some guidelines as far as how much of the fund can be invested in any one security or long/short strategies etc…

sears canada…he wanted the whole thing…it is growing and very profitable

Obviously next earnings will be bad how far do you think it will drop,,,,is there a bottom for Sears stock.

Todd do you still own Citigroup. If yes do you feel GS and them will merge.

Supposingly some news is supposed to come out at the end of the year on a big merger.


read the blog bud….most of the questions you ask are answered already..

earnings will be bad…how bad? no idea…i know people are not buying appliances so the #1 appliance retailer will suffer.

C/GS. no….i spoke to people at citi and they have said they do not have interest in goldman. they want/need deposits..goldman has none..

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