
Lampert Picks Up More AutoNation ($an)

Over a million shares of AutoNation (AN) the last 4 trading days.

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In a new SEC filing Sears Holdings (SHLD) Chairman Eddie Lampert purchased just over 750k shares of AutoNation at an average price of $6.20 a share.

He now holds over 79.4 million shares or 44.9% of the total.

He now has over 50% of Sears, an almost 50% of both AutoNation and AutoZone (AZO).

There is something there…..I just feel it…


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7 replies on “Lampert Picks Up More AutoNation ($an)”

Todd it does look like something is going to happen with that threesome.When do you think we will see Sears Automotive.

Does he still own shares of Citigroup after his last sale of them.

i believe he still does own some citi..

Sears could merge with AZO, stock and cash deal..

AN only has a market capo of $1billion….easily doable…

when….based on share purchases, sometime next year? toward the end i would say

no idea….too many variables…

TARP, buyout, buy under, merge…

6 months ago i would have said merger, but, with the gov’t, the rules have changed…

i think that is why no one is buying…rules have changed

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