
Sears Holdings Short Interest Update

Even if you are not an investor in Sears (SHLD), this will be entertaining high drama.

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Lampert recently said he was going to buy back 14% of the company (at then prices). Even at that, the shorts seem to be pressing their bets, although modestly.

Here is the information:

The math here does not add up. It is going to be very interesting…

Disclosure (“none” means no position):Long SHLD.
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2 replies on “Sears Holdings Short Interest Update”

Todd in all do respect you did a post on this before and the stock tanked. Nothing will happen unless there is positive news.That said do you expect any good news to come out.

The recent upward move was on the buyback announcement,you know it will drop again shortly. If he didn’t say that it would of dropped profusly.

the interest is released twice a month….it is an update on the numbers..

folks have been asking for it

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