
Buffett Gets "Put" Another 2.2 Million Burlington Northern Shares

Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A), (BRK.B) is doing great with the put selling..

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Just a day after getting “put” 3.2 million shares, Buffett gets another 2.2 million shares of Burlington Northern (BNI).

SEC Filing

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2 replies on “Buffett Gets "Put" Another 2.2 Million Burlington Northern Shares”

Hey, Todd. I just came across this note on Traffic World Online. Interesting. Any speculation as to what this could mean, if anything? Think Buffett is making a play to take over the whole company?

Separately, BNSF notified the SEC that its board on Dec. 11 changed the corporation’s bylaws to allow stockholders with 25 percent of shares to call a special meeting. The previous requirement was that a special meeting could be triggered by shareholders when they could put 51 percent of company ownership behind that call.

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