
9 Predictions for 2009

Can’t do much worse than last year…

Wall St. Newsletters

1- Oil again reaches in excess of $100 a barrel from the $40 it sits at today

2- The US dollar nose dives in value another 30%

3- Gold soars past $1100 an ounce and stays there for much of the year

4- 2009 GDP growth is negative for the year

5- Steve Jobs leaves Apple for health reasons

6- Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich takes someone in President Obama’s administration down with him…media ignores it..calls the offender “a renegade staffer” and praises the new administration for not knowing what its staffers are doing.

7- Israel takes military action against Iran (see oil and gold predictions)

8- An anti-trust suit is brought against Google

9- Dow 6/1 7500, 12/31 8300….

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3 replies on “9 Predictions for 2009”

Todd what about the merger with Sears ,Autozone and Autonation do you think Lampert will announce the news this year…..should this happen.

Thanks for answering that question Todd I see there are so many questions for you and you can hardly keep up.

Anyway, look for Mike Jackson of Autonation to get the CEO position at Sears notice that it is still open and the merger announcement will be the day the CEO position is filled.

Sears Holdings will be the largest auto related business in thew world.
BRK focused on insurance Sears will focus on the auto industry.

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