
Tueday’s Links

Dumb is Smart?, iPhone sales. Obama’s speech, MSM

Wall St. Newsletters

– As crazy as it sounds….yes..

– Does any of this sound familiar?

– Did any of it sound, like, you heard it before?

Great commentary on the MSM’s role in all crisis and their lack of accountability in it.

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2 replies on “Tueday’s Links”

Todd, please do not take it personal but sometimes you ignore counterfactual information.

AAPLs gained share in every category they are competing (look at laptop sales). Earnings numbers left the analysts seeing dirt, the product line-up is the best in their history, is being valued a 7x FCF (!) and has 28B USD in cash ($35 per share).

Of course there is concern regarding sustainability/moat. However, OSX has an above average chance of becoming the dominant operating system for mobiles if they manage to promote third party software. That is the game.

The strategy is very different from Motorola, Nokia, Sony or Samsung. The key is the the OS and software (remembering Gates insight).

There is a reason why the price gained from 78 to 90 in 3 days.

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