
Shorting Sears Holdings? Pay 38% To Do So?

I have said for about 6 months now and still believe there is a mother of a short squeeze coming in Sears Holdings (SHLD)..

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Disclosure (“none” means no position):Long SHLD

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6 replies on “Shorting Sears Holdings? Pay 38% To Do So?”

Todd, have you heard than Ackman reduce his SHLD position and bought Sears Canada instead? His comment was that the cash was in Sears Canada and that it was profitable as a retailer

Do you have any comments on this?

Todd what do you mean by paying 38%. Please explain.

I think the only news that will get this stock moving is when Lampert announces a merger of Autozone,Autonation and Sears.

Instanly all the vehicles will have Diehard batteries in them and so on.

This will be the catalyst the only problem is when he is going to do this.

Look for a merger with Citigroup and Morgan Stanley soon.

MS is one of the top ten largest shareholders of Citi.

What a nice coincidence Citi sold its brokerage unit to them in a joint venture recently.

Let me also repeat this Carlos Slim , Prince Waeed, Carl Icahn, Ken Heebner all bought shares of Citigroup.

This is really not good news.This should of made the stock take off but in reality people are betting that Sears will go down at least another 38 percent.

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